Tuesday, March 09, 2010

So wife is here now with me. We lived together for about 9 months in Shanghai before, together with my parents. And we are here alone, in a city far far away (from Shanghai). So I guess that's a new chapter in our lives, especially for her. I've been for over 10 years and more or less consider the SF Bay Area home.

She jumped right into cooking, which was amazing to me, and I really appreciate her efforts. We've been to Ranch99, Safeway, and Costco, since she landed 2 days ago...As a result, though, I have a lot of cleaning and dishwashing to do, even with a daily run of the dishwasher.

Work is challenging as usual, but I like the fact that I don't have to be in the office every day. Tomorrow (Wed) will be pretty loaded, though, with internal review calls, and client meetings from morning to evening.

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